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The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) is leading the I-580 Transit and Multimodal Strategy (I-580 Strategy), which seeks to improve transportation options and outcomes along the I-580 freeway from the Bay Bridge through the Altamont Pass. This study is multimodal in that it explores ways to improve all kinds of travel along and near the corridor, including driving, taking the bus or the train, biking, and walking. Click "About" on the left sidebar or visit the study website to learn more.
This interactive webmap highlights our study area, and displays big, new ideas that are being considered for inclusion in the I-580 Strategy, as well as major projects underway.
To support this process, we’d like to hear from you! Use the pins at the top of the screen to tell us:
Comments will be displayed anonymously on the map. You can also "like" or "dislike" comments submitted by others.
If you are visually impaired or generally require technical assistance in using this map, please contact the Alameda CTC Project Manager Kristen Villanueva at the email
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