Woodland Active Transportation Plan
Welcome to the Woodland Active Transportation Plan (ATP) Public Comment Map!
We would like to know things you like and dislike about walking and biking in Woodland, and your suggestions for making walking and biking better.
We also would like your help in mapping bike parking (bike racks) in Woodland and where you would like to see new bike parking.
Zoom in and out using the + and - buttons in the top right corner.
At the top of the map there are five comment options: Issue or idea about walking, Issue or idea about biking, Existing bike parking location, Desired bike parking location, and General Comment. For each option, just click and hold the icon and drag to where on the map you would like to place it.
For Issue or idea about walking and Issue or idea about biking, after you drag and drop to where you would like to start your route, continuously click along the route you would like to highlight and click on the last square of your route in order to end the route.
After you have placed an icon, fill out the comment section. The comment, email, and Zip code boxes are the only required fields, along with the terms and conditions acknowledgment. The name, phone number, and picture upload fields are optional.
Once filled out, just click the "Add Comment" button to submit your comment!